During this morning's team sessions, we delved into our Mission Statement, exploring the words and phrases that both inspire and challenge us. We reflected on how our Mission Statement shapes and guides our work, particularly in our interactions with Tangata Whaiora, colleagues, and external stakeholders. This session encouraged us to consider if we are truly living up to the values and aspirations we profess.
Although time was short, we began contemplating areas for improvement, a crucial discussion we will continue in part two of our hui in a couple of weeks. This ongoing reflection aims to ensure we align more closely with our Mission Statement, enhancing our impact and effectiveness. Let’s keep these thoughts in mind as we move forward and strive to embody our mission in all we do.
For further reflection, please review our Mission Statement which you can find on the home page and consider these prompts:
Which aspects of our Mission Statement resonate most with you?
How do you see our mission reflected in your daily work?
In what areas can we improve to better fulfill our mission?